Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bubblegum...BUBBLEGUM....Did someone say gum?

Brooklyn can hardly wait to race her friends to the nearest bubblegum machine that is placed conveniently by the exit door. Every time we go to tumbling...we aim for a higher extra attempted flip....extra time on the bunji cords...etc., but most of all...just a great time of having fun. The girls are motivated by gum...! Ashley, Abby and Brooklyn have so much gum in their mouths when we leave that they can barely talk. The threesome are so excited to tell me about their latest adventures...but are often left unheard, because of the giant wads of gum they consume on the ride home. Who would have guessed that so much joy could come from a giant gumball.

Ta Dah!! A look at me moment...and watch what I can do....I love this age...if only I could keep them little.
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