Ring, RIng, RING...
The phone rang off the hook as I was attempting to get Brooklyn down for a nap. Cade was on the other end trying to convince me how much better school lunch would be today if I would just come join him...with an awesome seat right where I would have easy access to endless amounts of school lunch. Visions of Mystery meat and airline food in vacuum sealed containers clouded my mind, as Cade continued chattering on how good a deal I was getting, to be able to sit by him and his friend...and Mom, you could also get a JUICE box if you don't want milk, and hey, there is a whole jug of RANCH that you can pretty much drown anything in...just in case you need a BETTER flavor!!! How enticing my little ten year old is!!! How could I resist. The lunch was only half as bad as I expected and the company was definitely an A+.
As the day went on I became aware that my little boy will soon begin another chapter in his life. I was so grateful that I didn't embarrass him YET...and that he was actually EXCITED to spend time with his mom over lunch. I am so thrilled that Cade thinks that his mom is still kind of cool to hang out with. I love my little guy.