Wednesday, April 15, 2009



Tyler, Chad, & Trent

The moments that were lost in the home front were made up by the motivation to do better and have inspiration, make goals and become a better leader.

It's kind of funny...I actually thought Woodbadge was a badge where you go and learn woodworking skills....who knew? I had no idea the sacrifices that were made to build better leaders, fathers, mentors were implemented in such a great program. Chad felt very blessed to be among other great men that have taught him along the way, inspired and whom he has grown to love. He loved surrounding himself with such amazing people that continue to teach and allow him to laugh...

I loved that these men had to do "tickets". I loved that Chad wanted to complete the Young Women's Personal Progress and see and feel what the Young Women do, he was so amazed and impressed. Chad memorized the Joseph Smith Story and toggled it back and forth to Jaren on his morning runs as Jaren rode beside him on his bike. My absolute favorite "ticket" was the one that he made for a straight 6 months of a date with ME every week no matter what. Sometimes it was just a walk around the block holding hands...playing tennis....sneaking away in another part of the house...getting out a lot....going places, but being TOGETHER.
The values, the skills, the revitalization of commitment and leadership skills is a once in a lifetime training experience. The common foundation of the leadership skills gained will be used throughout the rest these men's lives. Way to go babe!!!