A contest was run for the one with the MOST creativity...everyone WON!!! Brooklyn was the MOST excited about this activity. She had been carrying around a GIANT paintbrush all day from a bathroom that we just painted. I finally asked her why she took the paintbrush everywhere. Her reply was, "Well mom, you said we were painting eggs today."
Can I EAT them for Breakfast MOMMY?
I had a conversation with Jaren and Cade bright and early prior to Easter while we were doing a newspaper route...We have always celebrated the worldly Easter stuff on Saturday...saving the priceless time, energy and thoughts on our family, and most importantly our Savior, on Easter day....hence, we decided to name this fun day for the kids...National Bunny Fluff Day!!! The excitement, joy and fun on this day will be remembered as well....after all, the credit in a child's mind, for this fun day...really, goes to a bunny...Happy Hopping.