Thursday, April 30, 2009

National BUNNY FLUFF day...

Bunnies, and Candy, and Fluff...Oh My,...
Seth Enjoying the holiday cavity basket

Brooklyn counting ALL the eggs first thing in the morning

The boys can't figure out why the eggs are SO much fun to decorate and not So great to eat...

A contest was run for the one with the MOST creativity...everyone WON!!! Brooklyn was the MOST excited about this activity. She had been carrying around a GIANT paintbrush all day from a bathroom that we just painted. I finally asked her why she took the paintbrush everywhere. Her reply was, "Well mom, you said we were painting eggs today."

Danika brought Brooklyn lots and LOTS of Easter surprises....Cracker JACKS and Cookies...YUM! Brooklyn devoured Most of her candy before she ate and had TWO measly bites of her waffles, I asked her to finish her breakfast. She replied her tummy ached. I said, "maybe you had too much junk." She replied very innocently, "no mom, you made TOO MUCH waffles!

Can I EAT them for Breakfast MOMMY?

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Founders Park

The Magic, The fun, The Memories...
I had a conversation with Jaren and Cade bright and early prior to Easter while we were doing a newspaper route...We have always celebrated the worldly Easter stuff on Saturday...saving the priceless time, energy and thoughts on our family, and most importantly our Savior, on Easter day....hence, we decided to name this fun day for the kids...National Bunny Fluff Day!!! The excitement, joy and fun on this day will be remembered as well....after all, the credit in a child's mind, for this fun day...really, goes to a bunny...Happy Hopping.

Coldplay gone CRaZy...

Ward Talent Show
Jaren makes me laugh so hard!!! Jaren has this amazing talent of hearing blurbs, commercials, theme songs, radio favorites and plucking them out on the piano without any sheet music. Jaren came across a Coldplay song called Clocks....he loves it. We found the sheet music for it online since he could play about half way through and couldn't quite get the rest. He lined up his friends and put together a BAND. We have Jaren at the piano, Kaden on the electric piano that his grandma gave him, David on the electric guitar and oh...Jeffrey as the lead singer, since he has been in choir, he was the first choice. It was so fun to listen to these boys practice the day before the talent show and jam out. I am so-o-o-o glad they love music and are having fun with it. As far as the costumes go...I'm not sure what the theme is, I think just CRAZY. Jaren has a Captain Jack Sparrow style pirate look, while Kaden is styling a big block of cheese on his head, David has a total frow action kind of thing going on, and Jeffrey has a little bit of the Jamaican islander look. Keep on playing boys, they actually sounded pretty fantastic and were saved for the grand finale.

Getting out to Celebrate

Taking time out with a few friends to celebrate birthdays and friendships

Getting out is half the battle and so worth it!!!

Brooklyn however was a little distracted by all the adult conversation and couldn't resist the cute shapes of her mac & cheese....apparently they look better on her fingers as rings instead of in her mouth. What a fun little lunch partner, although I think she still craves the simple home lunch even better. I am enjoying all the tender moments....with lots and lots and lots of hand wipes and sanitizers!!!

Young Women SERVICE

What a fun bunch of girls....
The Beehives of the Young Women program came over to do service in our home...
We decorated loads of cookies and had cards out to make. I think we ate more cookies than we saved!!! The cookies went to homes of the people we Visit and Home Teach. I loved the endless energy and excitement that the youth had as they became so creative and left our home with a great atmosphere that we loved. Thanks girls!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



Tyler, Chad, & Trent

The moments that were lost in the home front were made up by the motivation to do better and have inspiration, make goals and become a better leader.

It's kind of funny...I actually thought Woodbadge was a badge where you go and learn woodworking skills....who knew? I had no idea the sacrifices that were made to build better leaders, fathers, mentors were implemented in such a great program. Chad felt very blessed to be among other great men that have taught him along the way, inspired and whom he has grown to love. He loved surrounding himself with such amazing people that continue to teach and allow him to laugh...

I loved that these men had to do "tickets". I loved that Chad wanted to complete the Young Women's Personal Progress and see and feel what the Young Women do, he was so amazed and impressed. Chad memorized the Joseph Smith Story and toggled it back and forth to Jaren on his morning runs as Jaren rode beside him on his bike. My absolute favorite "ticket" was the one that he made for a straight 6 months of a date with ME every week no matter what. Sometimes it was just a walk around the block holding hands...playing tennis....sneaking away in another part of the house...getting out a lot....going places, but being TOGETHER.
The values, the skills, the revitalization of commitment and leadership skills is a once in a lifetime training experience. The common foundation of the leadership skills gained will be used throughout the rest these men's lives. Way to go babe!!!

I'll go inside Someday...

I Love to See the Temple

We visited the Draper Temple Open House and found peace, inspiration and aspirations were found here.

A definite treat to see the temple before it was dedicated.

THE 129th temple

The symbolism and reverence were definitely felt. The exalted and reverent state were expressed. The rooms represented contentment, inner harmony, and peace. I loved the seagull lilies that were placed throughout the building in the tapestry, ceilings, furniture, etc., it reminded me of the Saints and the sacrifices that they made, the same pioneers who left their homeland and traveled by ship, by wagon, by handcart, and on foot to gather with other Latter-day Saints. Everything in the temple testifies of the divinity and sacrifice and teaches us to follow the example of our Saviors love and service.

Chad took the kids to the Distribution Center to pick out their favorite temple. They each picked out where they would love to go...Those pictures are placed inside frames and stand as a reminder in their rooms of where they too can go someday.