Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monster Concert
Violin lessons....carrying an instrument back and forth from school...early mornings...practicing...
The day Jaren craddled his new instrument in his hands....a love affair almost instantly began. Jaren came home after his first day of class and said his teacher wanted them to only pluck the strings for a while....but not this boy, he heard his teacher say that soon they would play songs that will become favorites. A mention of Jaws...the shark coming out of water was definately something Jaren couldn't wait to get his hands on,, he came straight home, with bow in hand and started scaring everyone with the Jaws performance he plucked out just like he had been playing the violin for years.
More Cheesie Noodles......Please!
Exploring Cache County
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Double Digits
What would a party be....without cousins?
An all out punching balloon war ensued the moment we got to home base.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
JAZZ rocks the HOUSE!!!
A date night with MOM and the boys...
Cade, Corbin, D.J., and Jaren wanted to get there early for the Jazz playoffs. Balloon swords were made, racket clappers were hit so many times, they fell apart. The concession stands had way too many options... We were poking at our rival team that was screaming behind us the entire time with our balloon swords. They laughed and screamed louder.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Promptings....keeping ME where I need to be...
Jaren Spending OODLES of time with Brooklyn
A heart felt prompting turned a fun packed week with a slew of Jarens friends at camp Bartlett to a halt. Sometimes I want to push Jaren towards the FUN of friends and ample opportunities so he doesn't MISS out. We don't ALWAYS know the reasoning behind things....we just know that we need to FOLLOW our hearts. So instead of camping, merit badge classes, learning skills of becoming a great leader, enjoying a hot and fun week with friends....we unpacked his bags, embraced a big hug and KNEW that our little guy...(that's not SO little, anymore), needed to be HOME with his family.
We worked on the Family Life merit badge, scoured places to do service work and MOSTLY enjoyed each other. Brooklyn, however, couldn't LEAVE her brother to himself. PLEASE show me how to put this dress on my Polly Pocket...Can we play tic tac toe, J-A-R-E-N...I NEED YOU to help me ride a TWO WHEELER, A STORY, the park, and come play DRESS ups with me and my friends....(I had to laugh at this one....he actually put on a BELLE dress and wig in a girl size 4....hilarious!!! Now that's dedication....or just something to pass time. Aren't Big brothers Great!?
Sickness did set in for a few days for Jaren..and who knows what COULD have been if he had NOT stayed home. Whatever was MISSED was BEYOND made up for in the Relationship that was built upon while we ENJOYED each other on the home front. (The Most Important work we can to our hearts,... and then follow them).
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I'll SAVE a seat JUST for YOU mom...
The phone rang off the hook as I was attempting to get Brooklyn down for a nap. Cade was on the other end trying to convince me how much better school lunch would be today if I would just come join him...with an awesome seat right where I would have easy access to endless amounts of school lunch. Visions of Mystery meat and airline food in vacuum sealed containers clouded my mind, as Cade continued chattering on how good a deal I was getting, to be able to sit by him and his friend...and Mom, you could also get a JUICE box if you don't want milk, and hey, there is a whole jug of RANCH that you can pretty much drown anything in...just in case you need a BETTER flavor!!! How enticing my little ten year old is!!! How could I resist. The lunch was only half as bad as I expected and the company was definitely an A+.
As the day went on I became aware that my little boy will soon begin another chapter in his life. I was so grateful that I didn't embarrass him YET...and that he was actually EXCITED to spend time with his mom over lunch. I am so thrilled that Cade thinks that his mom is still kind of cool to hang out with. I love my little guy.
All I need to know I LEARNED in Primary
GROWING uP with Primary prepares us and gets us ready for the Life that is laid before us...Here WE COME...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sleepless Money Makers
Thursday, April 30, 2009
National BUNNY FLUFF day...
A contest was run for the one with the MOST creativity...everyone WON!!! Brooklyn was the MOST excited about this activity. She had been carrying around a GIANT paintbrush all day from a bathroom that we just painted. I finally asked her why she took the paintbrush everywhere. Her reply was, "Well mom, you said we were painting eggs today."
Can I EAT them for Breakfast MOMMY?
Coldplay gone CRaZy...
Getting out to Celebrate
Getting out is half the battle and so worth it!!!